Visa support for tourists
Our company has a license №Т-0532-14, issued by the National Company "Uzbektourism", Certificate № 008265 and can provide visa support for foreign tourists, provided the organization of the tour through the territory of Uzbekistan and / or purchase one of our tour packages.
The cost of visa support for:
· Up to 2 weeks - U.S. $ 25 per tourist (children under 12 years -U.S. $ 15);
• Up to 1 month - U.S. $ 45 per tourist (children under 12 years - 25U.S. dollars).
Group visa (10 and more tourists):
up to 1 month - U.S. $ 15 per tourist.
Transit visa:
· Up to 72 hours - U.S. $ 20.
For visa support you need to send us (by fax or e-mail) the following documents:
· A copy of the passport, the validity of which shall exceed the period of validity not less than 3 (three) months;
· A written confirmation (certificate) from the place of work; * · fill out the request form.
WARNING! Please keep in mind that:
After receiving the information necessary for the application to the Foreign Ministry, it will take about 10 days before you will be sent an invitation letter. All this time, the application will be considered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Place of visa must be agreed in advance of filing the application with the Foreign Ministry. Changing the place of receipt shall repeat the procedure for review of documents;
List of documents, the terms of issuing visas and the cost of consular fees may be changed according to the instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
We are not responsible for the untimely issuance of visas by consular sections of embassies, or for denial of a visa;
Upon cancellation the Customer from the previous pre-paid bookings, services rendered for visa support is canceled.
At the end of the application, the Foreign Ministry will inform the company of our so-called "telex number". He is a serial number of the message sent by the Foreign Ministry to the Embassy or Consulate in the country where the traveler must obtain a visa. Placing the telex number in the letter of invitation, we will send it to you via e-mail with attachment tourist voucher. In addition, according to the rules, you fill the application form to the embassy/consulate for a visa. Completed application you will need to print, sign and attach a photo. Once you prepare all necessary documents, please contact the relevant embassy / consulate for visa in Uzbekistan. Usually, to obtain a visa at the embassy / consulate to 3 business days. * Notice. Certificate of employment can be written in any style, there are a few suggestions, preferably in English, confirming that you are working in a certain location and in such and such a position. | Visa of the Republic of Uzbekistan According to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan foreign citizens and stateless persons can enter Uzbekistan or travel through its territory for transit on the basis of entrance visas only. Foreign citizens and stateless persons can get visas at the diplomatic representations and consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad on the basis of the visa support (confirmation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan). Thus, to obtain a tourist visa to Uzbekistan, foreign citizens must obtain a visa support (invitation, Letter Of Invitation - LOI) from the tourist company having a license issued by the National Company "Uzbektourism". Simplified visa procedure is established for the citizens of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Tourists of these countries can get multiple entry visas up to 1 month and businessmen - up to 1 year (Malaysia - up to 6 months). Moreover, tourist voucher or invitation of physical or juridical person in Uzbekistan is not required to submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Visa support shall be issued on the basis of application of the invitingphysical or juridical persons permanently or temporarily residing in Uzbekistan submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Processing of visa application is up to 10 working days if documents have been submitted due to the established order. In order to apply for the visa, foreign citizens and stateless personsare to submit the following documents to the diplomatic representation or consular mission of Uzbekistan abroad: - passport or document of stateless person, expiry date of which must exceed the visa’s period of validity not less than 3 months; - 2 copies of duly completed visa application form; - 2 passport-size colored photos. For a transit visa foreign citizens and stateless persons in addition to the above mentioned documents must have a visa of the country of final destination and travel documents with confirmed date of departure from Uzbekistan. In this case processing of visa application is 3 working days. Foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving from the countries where there is no diplomatic representation or consular mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan can get visas upon arrival at the Visa Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the Tashkent International Airport. In this case the inviting physical or juridical person in Uzbekistan must apply in advance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in due order, get visa confirmation (stamp) of the Visa Division of the Consular Department and forward it to the invited person. This confirmation should be shown by invited person while buying an air-ticket and passing through passport control and the visa shall be issued on its basis on arrival at the Visa Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the Tashkent International Airport. The legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan has set the following consular fees for the visa issuance: a) For single entry visas: - up to 7 days - $40; - up to 15 days - $50; - up to 30 days - $60; - up to 3 months - $80; - up to 6 months - $120; - up to 1 year - $160. Note: For each additional entry the fee shall be increased by $10. b) For multiple entry visas: - up to 6 months - $150; - up to 1 year - $250. c) For transit visas: - up to 24 hours - $20; - up to 48 hours - $25; - up to 72 hours - $30; - double entry transit visa - $40. d) For group visas (groups must consist of more than 10 persons excluding children under 16 years old): - up to 15 days - $15 per person; - up to 30 days - $25 per person. Except these fees the fees for reimbursement of actual expenses related to the visa issuance (administrative fees) will be also paid. The rates of these fees depend on the place of visa issuance (irrespective of applicant’s citizenship). Note: Different procedure for issuance of entry visas may be applied to the citizens of those countries that have appropriate bilateral agreements with Uzbekistan. Visa regulations with some countries 1. Bilateral non-visa regime is established for the citizens of Kyrgyzstan (up to 60 days), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. 2. Simplified visa procedure is established for the citizens of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Tourists of these countries can get multiple entry visas up to 1 month and businessmen - up to 1 year (Malaysia - up to 6 months). Moreover, tourist voucher or invitation of physical or juridical person in Uzbekistan is not required to submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Visas shall be issued within 2 working days, excluding the day of document’s acceptance. 3. Bilateral non-visa regime up to 90 days is established for the holders diplomatic passport of the Republic of Korea (up to days 60 days), Brazil, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey. Citizens of these countries possessing the diplomatic passport and accredited as staff-members of the diplomatic representations and consular missions located on the territory of Parties as well as members of theirs families can enter and stay without visa for the whole period of their professional activity. Bilateral non-visa regime up to 90 days is also established for the citizens of Romania and Slovakia holding service passports. 4. Uzbekistan and Japan issue visa visas without consular fees on the mutual basis. Temporary residence conditions According to the Uzbekistan legislations, foreign citizens visiting Uzbekistan on temporary basis must submit documents for registration at the place of residence within 72 hours upon arrival to Uzbekistan. Registration is not necessary if you arrive to Uzbekistan during weekend or holidays or if a period of your stay will not exceed three working days. During stay in a hotel your stay will be registered by hotel administration. Upon checking out you should remember of taking the registration form with you stamped by the hotel administration. Please note that Business Visa holders require special authorization to stay in private homes, which should be obtained prior to arrival in Uzbekistan. Ask your inviting business or organization to help you with this. Without such authorization, you will be required to stay in authorized hotels, where they will register you automatically. Importantly, Uzbek visas indicate not only the validity of the visa, but also the period of time a person is allowed to stay in Uzbekistan on a given trip. Therefore, it is important to indicate your intended period of stay when applying for your Uzbek visa.
Travel around Uzbekistan by rail or land sometimes requires brief exits into neighboring countries. Travelers should have a multiple entry Uzbek visa and proper visas for the neighboring countries in order to avoid delays in travel. Please review your itinerary.
Diplomatic representatives and consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad
| № | Representatives and consular missions | Phone, fax, WEB, E-mail | Consular district |
| 1. | Embassy in Austria Pötzleinsdorferstrasse 49 A-1080 Wien, Austria | Phone: (431) 315 39 94, 315 39 95 Fax: (431) 315 39 93 www.usbekistan.at botschaft@usbekistan.at | Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia |
| 2. | Embassy in Azerbaijan AZ 1021 Baku, Badamdar, 1-st highway, 9th Lane, № 427 | Phone: (994-12) 497-2549. 497-25-52 497-25-49 Fax: (994-12)497-25-48 www.uzembassy.az office@uzembassy.az | Azerbaijan, Georgia |
| 3. | Embassy in Afghanistan Kabul, 6 th District Carte-Se, 1st. building, House 103, Street Allaudin-2 | Phone: (93) 202501439; Fax: (93) 202500431. www.uzembassy-afghan.mfa.uz | Afghanistan |
| 4. | Embassy in Belgium Ambassade d`Ouzbekistan en Belgique Avenue F.Roosevelt 99, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique | Phone: (322) 6728844; 6612052 Fax :(322) 6723946; 6612059 www.uzbekistan.be consulat@uzbekistan.be | Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark |
| 5. | Embassy in the United Kingdom 41, Holland Park, W11 3RP, London. | Phone :+44 2072297679 (1) Fax: 8-10-44-0207-2297029 www.uzbekembassy.org consul@uzbekembassy.org | UK, Ireland, Iceland . |
| 6. | Embassy in Egypt 18, Sad EL Aali Str., Dokki, Cairo,Egypt P.O.Box: 12311 Dokki | Phone: +(202)3336-1723; Fax: 8-10-202-33361722 www.egypt.mfa.uz botir72@gmail.com | Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, African countries (excluding South Africa) |
| 7. | Embassy in Israel 52413 RamatGan, Moshe Sharet st., 31 Tel Aviv | Phone: 8-10-972-3-672-23-71 8-10-972 -3-672-24-66 Fax: (972-3) 6722621 www.uzbembassy.org.il consul@uzembassy.org.il | Israel, Palestine . |
| 8. | Embassy in India EP 40, Dr. RadhakrishnanMargChanakyapuri, NewDelhi,-110021 India | Phone: (9111) 2467-0774; 2467-0775; 2410-5640 Fax:: (9111)2467-0773 www.uzbekembassy.in irhanov@gmail.com | India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka . |
| 9. | Embassy in Indonesia Menara Rajawali, 17th floor Mega Kuningan Lot 5.1 Jakarta Selatan 12950Indonesia | Phone: (6221) 522 25 81, 522 26 35 Fax: 8-10-6221-522-2582 www.uzbtmb.or.id Inbox@uzbemb.or.id | Indonesia, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand . |
| 10. | Embassy in Iran Teheran, Pasdaran Avenue, str. Buston, str. Nastaran 21 | Phone: 8-10-98-21-22832071 Phone: 8-10-98-21-22291519 Fax: 8-10-98-21-22299780 www.uzbtmb.or.id Inbox@uzbemb.or.id | Iran |
| 11. | The Embassy in Italy 12 Via Tolmino, 00198 Roma, Italy | Phone:(3906) 8542569; 8542456 Fax: (3906) 8541020 www.uzbekistanitalia.org ambasciata@uzbekistanitalia.org | Italy, Vatican, Malta, San Marino |
| 12. | Embassy in Spain Embajada de la República de Uzbekistán Paseo de la Castellana, 45, 4-D, Madrid, 28046 | Phone: +34 91 3101639 Fax: +34 91 310 31 23 www.uzbekembassy.es consuladodeuzbekistan@ gmail.com | Spane |
| 13. | Embassy in Kazakhstan 050010, Almaty, Baribaev str., 36 | Phone:8-10-7-7272-91-02-35; 8-10-7-7272-91-02-66; Fax: 8-10-7-7272-91-10-55 emb-uzbekistan.kz | Kazakhstan |
| 14. | Embassy in China No. 11 San Li Tun Bei Xiao Jie Beijing, China, 100600 | Phone:(8610) 65326305: Fax:: (8610) 65326304: www.embassy-uz.cn, uzbekistan@embassy-uz.cn Xilvatov@embassy-uz.cn | China, Mongolia, North Korea |
| 15. | Embassy in Korea 1376-1, Seocho 2 dong, Seocho-Ku, Diplomatic Center, Room 701, Seoul, Korea | Phone:8-10-82-2-577-36-60 8-10-82-2-574-65-54 Fax: 8-10-82-2-578-05-76 www.korea.mfa.uz mymail7070@mail.ru | Korea |
| 16. | Embassy in Kyrgyzstan Bishkek, 720040, Ентныефтщм str., 213 | Phone: 996312-663078; 662065; Fax: 8-10-996312-664403 www.uzbekistan.kg, uzbembish@infotel.kg | Kyrgyzstan |
| 17. | Embassy in Kuwait Kuwait, Mishref, Block 2, Street 5, Villa 18a | Phone: +965 537-6603 (in. - 12) Fax: +965 537-6604 www.uzembassy-kuwait.mfa.uz | Kuwait |
| 18. | Embassy in Latvia Latvija, Riga, LV-1010, Elizabetes iela, 11-11
| Phone: +371 67-32-24-24, +371 67-32-23-46, Fax: +371 67-32-23-06, www.latvia.mfa.uz posoluz@apollo.lv | Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Norway . |
| 19. | Embassy in Malaysia 2nd Floor,Wisma Chinese Chamber, №258, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia | Phone: (603) 425-33-406 Fax : (603) 42535406 www.malaysia.mfa.uz uzbekemb@streamyx.com | Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei |
| 20. | Embassy in UAE P.O. Box 111446 | Phone: 8-10-9712-4-88-215; 44-88-217 Fax : 8-10-9712-44-88-216 www.uzbekembassy.net | Abu Dhabi |
| 21. | Embassy in Pakistan House No.2, Street No.2, Sector F-8/3, Islamabad, Pakistan | Phone: 9251-2264746; Fax: 9251-2261739 www.pakistan.mfa.uz pakistan@tiv.uz | Pakistan |
| 22. | Embassy in Poland 02-804 Warsaw, Krasky str. 21 | Phone: +4822-894-62-30 (2) Fax : +4822-894-62-31 www.uzbekistan.pl, uzembassy@gmail.com | Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary . |
| 23. | Embassy in Russia 109017 Moskow, 1-Cazachiy lane, 11/2 | Phone: 230-00-54, 230-08-02; 230-13-01; 230-00-32 Fax : 230-04-79; 230-00-43 uzconsulate@gmail.com www.uzembassy.ru | Russia, Belarus, Armenia . |
| 24. | Embassy in Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 94008 – Riyadh 11693 Riyadh, King Fahd Area – Prince Mishari Bin Saud Bin Miqreen St. Villa № 22, Code: 9661 | Phone : +966-1-2635223 +966-1-4564096 Fax : (009661) 456-40-96; 2635105 uzemb@shabakah.net.sa | KSA, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar. |
| 25. | Embassy in Singapore 20 Kramat lane, United House 04-01, SINGAPORE 228773 | Phone: (65) 6734 3942/43 Fax : (65) 6734-5849 www.uzbekistan.org.sg sh.asadov@uzbekistan.org.sg | Singapore |
| 26. | Embassy in the United States 1746 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, USA Code 202 | Phone:1-202-5307286; 1-202-5307291 Fax : 1-202-2936804 www.uzbekistan.org info@uzbekistan.org uzbekembassy@covad.net uzbconsul_dc@covad.net | United States (Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware,Washington DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia), Cuba |
| 27. | Embassy in Tajikistan Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue, Ozodii Zanon str., 9 | Phone:8-10-992-37-224-15-86, 224-79-89 Fax : 8-10-992-37-224-76-57; 228-99-03 www.uzembassy-tadjik.mfa.uz ruzintaj@rambler.ru | Tajikistan |
| 28. | Embassy in Turkmenistan Ashgabat, Gerogly str., 50-А | Phone: +993-12 33-10-62 +993-12 33-10-55 Fax: +993-12 33-10-57 embashgabat@post.tiv.uz | Turkmenistan |
| 29. | Embassy in Turkey Sanjak residential area, 211th Street,House № 3, P.O. 06550,Yildiz-Chankaya District, Ankara, Turkey | Phone: 90-312-441-17-46 90-312-441-38-71/72, Fax : 90-312-442-70-58 www.turkey.mfa.uz embankara@post.mfa.uz aybek_72@yahoo.com | Turkey (part of), Iraq, South Africa |
| 30. | Embassy in Ukraine 01901 Kiev, Vladimirskaya, 16. | Phone: +38044-501-50-00; 501-41-83 Fax : +38044-501-50-01 www.uzbekistan.org.ua counsul@uzbekistan.org.ua | Ukraine, Moldova |
| 31. | Embassy in Germany Perleberger Strasse 62, 10559 Berlin,Germany
| Phone: +49-30-9409855; +4930394024;39409830 Fax : +493039409821; 39409862 www.uzbekistan.de, botschaft@uzbekistan.de | Germany (Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia), Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic |
| 32. | Embassy in France 22, Rue d’Aguesseau, 75008, Paris, France | Phone: +331-53-30-03-53/55 Fax : +331-53-30-03-54 www.ouzbekistan.fr khoshimov@ouzbekistan.fr | France, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Andorra, Switzerland (Frenchcantons Geneva, Vaud, Valais, Jura, Neuchâtel, Fribourg) |
| 33. | Embassy in Japan 53-0064, Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Shimomeguro, 5-11-8 | Phone: +81-33-760-5625 Fax : +81-3-3760-5950 www.japan.mfa.uz uzconsul@gmail.com | Japan |
| 34. | Consulate General in Athens Athens, district Filothei, Pingdu str., 26. Code: 15237 | Phone: +30 210 685 70 77 Fax : +30 210 683 62 85 www.uzbekistan.gr embuzb@otenet.gr | Greece, Albania, Cyprus (Greek sector) |
| 35. | Consulate in Bangkok 32, MU 5, Sukhumvit 62, Soi 1,Bangjak, Phrakanong District,Bangkok 10260 Тhailand | Phone: 662-741-7247; 662-311-1496 Fax: (66-2) 311-1749 www.uzbinbkk.com ankhor@uzbinbkk.com | Thailand, Cambodia, Laos . |
| 36. | Consulate General in Dubai P.O.Box; 53432, Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Phone: 8-10-9714-323-24-12 Fax (9714) 323-24-13 www.uzconsulate-emirates.mfa.uz consuzb@emirates.net.ae | UAE, Qatar, Oman . |
| 37. | Consulate General in Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah 21523, Al-Shati Dist., Arwa bint Al-Haris Str., Р.О.Вох. 50036 | Phone: 8-10-966-2-6077250 Fax : 8-10-966-2-6077260 gkjiddauz@mail.ru | KSA, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait . |
| 38. | Consulate in Novosibirsk Novosibirsk, Central District,.Lomonosov str., 55 Б | Phone: + 7 (383) 246-04-85; 246-04-63, 246-04-64; 246-04-84 Fax :+7(383)246-04-62 | Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts |
| 39. | Consulate General in New York 801 Second Ave., Floor # 20 New York, NY 10017 | Phone: (1- 212) 230-1341; 754 - 7403 Fax : (1- 212) 838 - 9812 info@uzbekconsulny.org www.uzbekconsulny.org | 34 U.S. states (Idaho, Iowa, Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, Washington, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, California, Kansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Montana, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada, , New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah), Canada, Mexico, Central and South America . |
| 40. | Consulate General in Istanbul Istanbul, Sarıyer district, Istina array, Shehit Khalil Ibrahim str., 23 | Phone: 323-20-37; 229-00-75; Fax : 81090-212 323-20-40 www.stanbul.mfa.uz joha772004@mail.ru | Turkey (part), Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus (Turkish sector) |
| 41. | Consulate General in Frankfurt Jahnstrasse 15 , 60318 Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main | Phone: + 49 69 915011110; 9150 11112 Fax : + 49 69 915011115 info@gk-usbekistan.de | Germany (part), Switzerland (cantons of Aargau, Appenzell, Basel, Bern, Glarus, Graubünden, Solothurn, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Ticino, Thurgau, Unterwalden, Uri, Zug, Zurich,Schaffhausen, Schwyz), Liechtenstein . |
| 42. | Consulate General in Shanghai 258, Wu Song Road, Hong Kou Qu, Yao Jiang Development Centre, room 801. Shanghai, China, индекс: 200080 | Phone: 8-10-86-21 630-71-896 Fax : +8621 63246099 cg_uzbekistan@126.com | Shanghai, prov.Chzhetszyan, Jiangsu, prov.Hunan, prov.Futszyan |
| 43. | Consulate in Mazar-i Sharif Afghanistan, Mazar-i Sharif, Khojae Haironiya, 44.
| Phone: 009350-200-27-13 +99895-502-14-02 (Uzmobile)
| Balkh, Dzhouzdzhon, Samangan, Sari Pul, Fareb province. |