Wine tasting in the caravanserai "Nugay"

Caravanserais, located in the cities, on roads and small settlements in the territory of the Central Asian region for centuries served as a temporary haven for travelers, as well as the trade caravans. It was here, after a hard and long journey across a vast desert, the people found refuge from sand, hot sun and exhausting heat.

Most of those caravanserais, which are located outside the city, did not contain any utensils, so travelers had to use his bed and carpets, as well as use their food to feed themselves and their animals. In the caravanserais there was only water, and then not always. Nevertheless, the prototype of a modern hotel complex were many caravanserais. One of these was a caravanserai Nugay, located in the heart of the Old city of Bukhara.

Caravanserai Nugay is located near the shopping dome Toki Sarrafon. It was built in the XVI century during the reign of Muhammad Rahim Khan. One-story building contains 45 “hujras”, not including rooms for servants and a few dishes. Simultaneously, a caravanserai could accommodate more than thirty vendors ("savdogars"), with the whole "suite" attendants, who have received here a complete list of services, existing at the time.

Caravanserai Nugay can be called a medieval trading house. It was here there were Chinese and Indian fabrics and silks, so here sewed gowns and implemented. In addition, there were selling tea and textiles from Iran, made musical instruments, traded various household items and culture objects. Daily turnover of the caravanserai at that time was about five thousand dinars.

Today, this architectural monument, as well as many offers an exclusive selection of red and white wines for tasting and purchase. Here, experienced winemakers will tell you about the secrets of wine tasting, and share their subtleties.